Spirulina is a green algae that has all the necessary qualities to saturate the body with energy and useful components. In our store you can buy this drug at an affordable price. We also provide different forms of release, for a wide range.
What is spirulina and what is its composition?
Spirulina is a blue-green algae. They are one of the oldest forms of life that originated on the planet. Initially, this product was used by the Aztecs. They observed that this plant saturates the body with energy and increases its endurance. It was used by royal messengers to withstand long distances when transmitting messages. Algae is also a source of protein. In terms of saturation, it is comparable to chicken eggs. In addition, historians have proven that spirulina was used as a drug for various diseases.
To date, doctors and researchers continue to study this component and identify all the new beneficial properties of this product. Also, thanks to these studies, all the facts about the already known beneficial qualities were confirmed.
By itself, spirulina, the benefits of which are beyond doubt, has a bitter taste. Therefore, for comfortable use, it is mixed with yoghurts, added to juices, smoothies are made with its addition, and much more. This product is now available as a dietary supplement, which comes in the form of:
- powder;
- tablets;
- capsules.
When taking one spoonful of powder, a person can get all the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It does not contain fiber, so it can be used by people with celiac disease. In addition, this supplement is a source of useful elements such as:
- thiamine;
- riboflavin;
- niacin;
- copper;
- magnesium;
- various amino acids;
- vitamins of groups B, A, E, C, D and much more.
All these components allow the product to be as useful as possible and fully saturate the body with energy.
Top Benefits of Taking a Spirulina Supplement
A large number of studies of this component have proven the positive effects of taking the supplement. At the same time, studies of its properties are still being carried out, and new types of effects on the body are being discovered. Here are some of them.
- Saturation with antioxidants Various negative processes can significantly affect health. Until the onset of serious diseases. Antioxidants reduce the level of oxidizing processes, which prevents the destructive effect. The main component secreted by this plant is phycocyanin. It starts the process of fighting various particles that are responsible for the formation of inflammatory processes. Therefore, we can say with confidence about the good anti-inflammatory properties.
Lowering Cholesterol Heart disease is the most common cause of death worldwide. Algae helps to lower cholesterol levels, which significantly improves the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. In ongoing studies, it has been proven that after taking the supplement, survey data began to show better results.
Anti-cancer properties Studies in this area have only been conducted on animals. However, already at these stages, it has been proven that the spread of cancer cells and the size of tumors are reduced after taking this supplement. A human test group was assembled in India to study the reduction of oral cancers. When taking one gram of spirulina per day, 45 percent of 87 people completely disappeared formations. However, after stopping treatment, half of this group began to show signs of cancer again. - Lowering blood pressure Since this problem causes diseases such as stroke, heart attack, heart attacks and kidney disease, the researchers decided to observe the effect of spirulina on this process. It was found that 1 gram of the supplement is not effective in the fight. The amount equal to 4.5 grams was selected by the selection method. This is due to the fact that nitric oxide is released, which simplifies the process of expansion and narrowing of blood vessels.
- Reduces manifestations of allergic reactions to the sinuses Allergic rhinitis is the most common form of the body’s reaction to irritants. It can be caused by dust, pollen, hair, or other types of allergens. Algae allows you to reduce this manifestation, while not having a hypnotic effect. When taking 2 grams of the component, the level of itching, runny nose and sneezing is reduced.
- The dietary effect of Spirulina for weight loss is an effective method to increase the feeling of satiety. Since it is high in protein, taking this supplement 30 minutes before a meal may require less food to saturate your body.
In addition, due to the large number of beneficial micro and macro elements contained, this supplement improves hair quality. Also, spirulina for the face can reduce the level of inflammatory processes in the form of acne or pimples.
Possible contraindications for use
Since algae are rich in various nutrients, their possible harmful effects in some health conditions must also be taken into account. Before taking, it is best to consult with your doctor and to select the dosage, and get advice on taking.
This supplement should be used with caution during pregnancy. Since the active impact of the existing components can adversely affect the child or his development. It is better to completely abandon this supplement for the period of gestation and feeding.
In case of bleeding disorders, it is also better to refrain from taking the supplement. If you are interested in spirulina, contraindications to its use must be indicated in the instructions. The action of this plant is aimed at reducing clotting.
In the presence of autoimmune diseases, you should also not take this supplement. In healthy people, this plant boosts immunity, but in those who have problems, it can lead to an increase in symptoms. Such diseases include lupus, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and many other options.
Additionally, when taking medications, the active components of spirulina can interact with substances from drugs. This can reduce their effectiveness, or vice versa, overly strengthen them. All of these factors can seriously affect treatment. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using the supplement.